About Us
We Have a Many Years of Experience in Farming Industry
Faz Ventures is a technological enterprise that provides services for comprehensive Farm Technology and Facility Surveillance.
Focusing on increased productivity by promoting agricultural revolution through the use of Modern farm Equipment.
Founded in 1998, the company is located in Lagos, Nigeria.
It is an employee owned company and independent, which gives our clients the confidence that our team is motivated to satisfy their needs and represent their interests.

We Raise Domestic Breeding Cows
Our cows are all pedigree, that means that we breed from them, keep the best and record their births and their family lines can be traced back probably in some cases 60 years. They all have 2 ear tags, and these numbers relate to their passport number, a number they keep for life.

The process of storing and ripening the cheese in equipped ripening chambers with constant humidity.

The process of storing and ripening the cheese in equipped ripening chambers with constant humidity.

Healthy Food
A client that's unhappy for a reason is a problem, a client that's unhappy though he or her can't quite is worse.
Have Any Questions?
We are always available to attend to all your inquires, requests or complaints.
Feel free to Contact us through the button below